Registration is $45.00 from now until February 14, 2025. After that date, the price will be $55.00.
Tokens will be available to all registrants. Once you submit your registration and payment, you will receive $5.00 in FREE Market Money to treat yourself at our Friday night vendors.
Payment options include:
1. Mail check to: Women in Blue Jeans, PO Box 53, Mitchell, SD 57301
2. Online Payment link below:
Note: Fee includes sales tax. Your cancelled check is your receipt. Registrations are transferable. No refunds after February 14, 2025. Conference is limited to 200 registrations.
Tokens will be available to all registrants. Once you submit your registration and payment, you will receive $5.00 in FREE Market Money to treat yourself at our Friday night vendors.
Payment options include:
1. Mail check to: Women in Blue Jeans, PO Box 53, Mitchell, SD 57301
2. Online Payment link below:
Note: Fee includes sales tax. Your cancelled check is your receipt. Registrations are transferable. No refunds after February 14, 2025. Conference is limited to 200 registrations.